Mass Times
'Give me the grace to long for Thy Holy Sacraments, Sweet Saviour Christ...'
St Thomas More
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the lifeblood of the parish. The priest goes up to the altar of God, to offer the very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Blessed Lord Jesus in the Sacrament to God the Almighty the Father. The faithful are drawn into the great mystery of salvation are united with the Church gathered once about the foot of the Cross and now triumphant in heaven. In the holy mystery of the Mass we adore, we petition, we intercede, and we give thanks, all in the presence of Christ our priest, our Priest, our Sacrifice, and our King.
The Mass and the Daily Office at Our Lady of Walsingham with St Cuthbert Mayne is said according to Divine Worship.
Mass (after Epiphany and Trinity)
Sundays - 10am
Mondays - 10am
Tuesdays - 10am
Wednesdays - 12pm
Thursdays- 10am
Fridays - 10am
Saturdays - 10am
(First Saturday of the Month - 12pm, Holy Cross Catholic Church, Topsham)
Holy Days of Obligations - Mass and Mattins times as notified
Mass times may change due to Fr David being called away. Please check on the home page for any changes to this week's Mass times.
Holy Days of Obligation 2024
The Nativity of the Lord - 25th December
The Epiphany of the Lord - 7th January
The Ascension of the Lord - 9th May
Ss Peter & Paul - 30th June
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 15th August
All Saints' Day - 1st November